Monday, February 19, 2007

Crushed under the weight of technology

It's been a few days, hiding out up in the Cascades over the weekend for Valentines Day w/ KP. I've been meaning to blog, but...

Despite holing up in a mountain resort all weekend, I have been busy working on stuff for the Oregon Outdoor Journal.

I'll take this time to do a mini review: First of all, I've nursed my Canon PowerShot back to life and I'm eager to see if I can get decent picture quality out of the formerly soggy camera -- look for some footage later tonight or tomorrow. I've literally dunked this thing 3 or 4 times and it keeps coming back. And I love the pictures it takes. I hope this batch of photos looks ok. They seem ok on the display screen, but there might be some fog on the images. We'll see when I blow them up full size.

Secondly, I've been carrying my Olympus digital voice recorder with me for the last few trips because it's easier to use than writing notes while I'm hiking or fishing. Turns out, some of the recordings are pretty funny, like listening to me huffing up a hill in snowshoes, trying to act all cool about how beautiful it is up there. So I'm planning on setting up an audio component to OOJ.

I've managed to get my laptop to recognize the device, now if I can figure out how to use the free auido software Audacity I'll be in great shape.

1 comment:

digiphile said...

Sounds like an outstanding weekend. Geeky, romantic and outdoorsy, all at the same time. Coupla thoughts: Otterboxes rule for keeping cellphones, cameras, GPSes and the like dry. I've never used 'em effectively (keep resorting to ziplocs) but after losing a Treo to the Merrimack and a two-way radio to the Gulf of Maine, I'm slowly learning my lesson.

Once you pull your clips in from the player, you should be able to import them to Audacity and go to town. Export as MP3, post to your server and then link to 'em from your OOJ blog....c'est voila! Outdoor podcast. Burn the blog feed to Feedburner and you're off and wildernesscasting, or whatever you want to call it....