Monday, January 08, 2007

Springfield News closes; Hiking in the path of Bill Sullivan

Ok, that's kind of old news, but it really put me off writing in the blog for a while. I was doing some weekly columns for the Springfield News over the fall, then one day they just shut their doors. Kind of sad. And they didn't pay me. Thanks Lee Publishing! No big deal -- I wasn't doing it for the cash -- but it still sucks. I'll post the stories that ran over the next week on this blog.
From MattStansberry

What's happening now? Yesterday we hiked Mt. Pisgah, today we did Shotgun Creek. We're trying to do the 100 hikes in Bill Sullivan's book on the Central Cascades. I've been looking for fishable water the last few days -- checked out the North Fork and Middle Fork of the Willamette near Oakridge, fought my way to the coast through a monsoon to find Big Creek, Tenmile and Cape Creek blown out -- not even accessible. The whole coast was white with spray yesterday and out in the ocean you could see black mountains rolling in like tsunamis.

Big Trout Unlimited Eugene meeting Wed. night to meet with the US Forest Service rep that's been working on restoring Swift Creek for Bull Trout.

I spent the last month in Ohio. Check out this Lake Erie trib steelhead.
From MattStansberry

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