Saturday, January 20, 2007

Whittaker Creek Recreation Area

Today KP and I tried to get to Kentucky Falls through the Whitaker Creek recreation area. Tons of people were lined up at the boat ramps to access the Siuslaw. The water was running lower today and it looked like a good area to wade fish as well. On the way up the ridge we ran into rockslides that left beach ball sized boulders in the road. We ran into ice covering the roads about halfway up and had a pretty hairy few minutes trying to turn back around.
From MattStansberry

Instead, we drove back to the Whitaker Creek campground and to hike the Old Growth Ridge Trail. The campground is closed this time of year, and so is the river, but that didn't stop a bunch of bubbas from fishing it. It's posted and clearly stated in the regulations, but maybe they couldn't read.
From MattStansberry

We hiked the Old Growth Ridge Trail which is located inside the campground. You get to see some giant trees on this hike, but the payoff at the top of the ridge isn't much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt, Whittaker Creek is closed to fishing year round. The Siuslaw is open for steelhead 9 mos. of the year & Jan. is one of them. Double check your reg book. Poor example of journalism from a pro.