Friday, February 01, 2008

Oregon businesses support Rogue Wilderness expansion

A column in today's Register-Guard says the BLM WOPR is bad for businesses in Southern Oregon and calls on elected officials to expand protections for the Rogue River. For more info, check out and find out how you can help protect one of the most diverse ecosystems in North America.

1 comment:

brthomas said...

I am also hopeful for this river restoration agreement. Both agriculture and environmental interests seem to be complaining, so maybe its pretty close to the best compromise agreement that can be achieved at this time. Getting rid of these obsolete dams will be a great first step. Once that is achieved if the fish still cannot survive in the river then more agreements and/or litigation will undoubtedly follow. Agriculture must not be allowed to cause the extinction of the fish, the fishermen and the Native Americans!! See my Klamath River Directory with local sites from agriculture, fishermen, Native Americans and environmental interests.