Saturday, May 05, 2007

Oregon turkey hunt turns into wildflower safari

I never got to detail last weekend's Oregon Outdoor Journal Fest. It started out with a trip down to see Mike Kaiser, a turkey hunting guide in the Medford area. Mike and I headed out at 4am to stalk Southern Oregon's booming turkey population. We hunted a private plot of oak savanna just east of town. As we were getting out of the truck, we could hear 10 turkeys, at least, gobbling up in the trees around us. We walked about a half mile, picked a good spot and sat there, listening. Mike started making some hen noises with a mouth call and a box call, and we were listening to the toms gobbling back at us. It seemed pretty much inevitable that I was going to shoot a bird that morning. Unfortunately, we misjudged how far away the turkey we were focusing on was. It was practically on the next ridge over, but its call was carrying pretty far. Once we realized that the bird wasn't getting any closer, we pulled up stakes and moved. We hiked back and forth across miles of rolling hills, stopping to call periodically. We had a lot of birds responding to us, but none coming in. The closest we came was a pair of jakes (juvenile male turkeys) that seemed to be shadowing us, but eventually they ran off over the next ridge, still calling at us the whole time. During the course of the morning we saw tons of wildflowers and had great views of Mt. McGloughlin. Pictures below:

From MattStansberry

From MattStansberry

From MattStansberry

From MattStansberry

From MattStansberry

From MattStansberry


Unknown said...

Pretty flowers!! Do I dare tell you that wild turkeys prance through my yard? One year we shot one and smoked it for Thanksgiving (but we didn't inhale). It was yummy!

Better luck next time!!

Unknown said...

ps, we shot it from the deck ;0)

michaelgellis said...

strong blog, man.

Unknown said...

Hey! I put a turkey pic on my blog just for you!!

Roy Bates said...

I found your blog while searching for a picture of Mt. McGloughlin. I was so surprised to see another website with interests so simular to mine. I am from Central Point. Great Blog!